Our participation at the BOKU Symposium 2023
Our Product Manager, Michelle Mehrens and the Research Associate (ISF), Dr. Daniel Berghaus attend the BOKU Symposium Animal Nutrition in Vienna today. This year’s BOKU Symposium is centered aound ‘feeding strategies in times of limited resources’.
Current research approaches are discussed to face the accelerating consequences of climate change and the possible contribution animal nutrition can provide in this regard. Additionally, we presented recent test results on our feed additives, MAXFERM/Pro and MAXFIBER. These products are designed to enhance feed efficiency and gut integrity, thereby reducing methane emissions and nitrogen excretion in livestock.
Moreover, we proudly received the English certificate for independent verification of on-farm methane intensity quantification and forage-related mitigation options. This assessment demonstrates that using MAXFIBER and BONSILAGE improves dairy production efficiency, resulting in lower methane emissions per kg of milk or meat. Please click the button below to view the certificate.

Michelle Mehrens
Product Management