PROVITA SUPPLEMENTS provides highly functional fermentation products from the solid-state fermentation (SSF) of selected fungal strains (Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus tubingensis, Aspergillus oryzae, Neurospora intermedia, Neurospora tetrasperma). Targeted postbiotics to enhance the breakdown of monogastric or ruminant diets to increase nutrient digestibility and animal performance.
The SSF of plant substrate with fungi is based on a process with near absence of free water and controlled temperature conditions. The metabolites of the inactivated microbial cell components of this production process are part of the postbiotic effects of the SSF products to increase nutrient digestibility and functional components to support gut integrity. Adapted to various challenges in the feeding of monogastrics and ruminants, the postbiotics provide solutions for flexible diet formulations, reduced protein use or increases in forage utilization.